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El passat 17 d'octubre el MACE va inaugurar el 2n cicle de lectures poètiques amb el poeta Vicente Molina Foix. Coordinat i presentat per Enrique Juncosa, el cicle continua aquest dijous 24 amb una lectura a càrrec de Francisco Brines.

Vicente Molina Foix (Elx, 1946), és un escriptor prolífic i de gran versatilitat. Ha cultivat el teatre, el conte, la poesia, la traducció o el periodisme; fins i tot ha escrit llibrets d'òpera o guies de viatge. El 1970 apareix la seua primera novel·la Museo provincial de los horrores, que apareix just després de la celebre antologia Nueve novísimos poetas españoles, on se'l va incloure aquell mateix any. A partir d'aquest moment guanya nombrosos premis com el premi Barral per Busto (1973), el premi Azorín per Los padres viudos (1983), el premi Herralde per La quincena sovietica (1988), el premi Alfonso García Ramos per El vampiro de la calle Méjico (2002) o el premi Nacional de Narrativa per El abrecartas (2007). Molina Foix ha publicat poesia amb menys freqüència, encara que el 2012 apareix la seua poesia reunida amb el títol La musa furtiva.

El passat 31 d'octubre a la Sala d'Actes del MACE, va tenir lloc la darrera sessió del 2n cicle de lectures poètiques amb el poeta i escriptor eivissenc Antoni Marí.

Antoni Marí (Eivissa, 1944), és poeta, assagista i narrador a més d'editor i professor universitari. Entre els seus llibres de poesia es troben Preludi (1979), al que han seguit altres com Un viatge d'hivern (1989), que va obtenir el Premi Nacional de Crítica, El desert (1997), premi Cavall de Poesia, o el més recent  Han vingut uns amics, que guanyà el mateix premi el 2010. Marí dirigeix, a més, una de les col·leccions de poesia més prestigiosa del nostre país, Nuevos Textos Sagrados, per a Tusquets. La seua primera obra narrativa va ser El vas de plata i altres obres de misericòrdia (1992), que va rebre el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona i el Premi Crítica Serra d'Or, fins arribar a Llibre d'absències (2012). Com a assagista podem destacar L'home geni (1984) que també guanyà el Premi Critica Serra d'Or, l'antologia de poesia romàntica alemanya titulada El entusiasmo y la quietud, o Matematica tiniebla (2011) sobre l'origen de la poesia moderna.

Dia dels MuseusWe invite you to enjoy the celebrations of the International Museum Day, under the theme Museums (Memory + Creativity) = Social Progress, held on Saturday 18 May.

Events planned are: 

Thursday May 16 at 12 pm:
Temporary exhibits rooms of Museum Puget
Opening of paintings by Sarah Nechamkin. Landscapes and Birds.

17, 18 and 19 May:
Open Day at all museums.

Friday May 17 at 12 pm:
MACE Ground 0 Installation by Vicente Ganesha
Collaboration MACE Friends, Freixenet and Distributiones Montiel.

Friday May 17, at 20 pm:
Puig des Molins museum
Concert by Laura Boned (violin) and reception

Saturday May 18 at 12 pm:
Puig des Molins museum
Day storytelling: Tanit and Bes visit the Puig des Molins.

Wednesday May 22, at 19 pm:
Floor -2 MACE Opening Rafael Tur Costa. Drawing (60-70 decades)
Collaboration: MACE Friends, Freixenet and Distributions Montiel.

Free admission to all events. Limited capacity.

Tur CostaPlease remember that the MACE will be open on August regular hours during which you can visit the current exhibitions: "Utopia is possible. ICSID. 1971" (Until August 31) and "Tur Costa. Dibuixos (Dècades 60-70)" (until 31 October).

In addition, we continue to offer educational activities as part of its educational program, family workshops including weekends, upon registration by calling 971302723 or by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and the thematical guided tours "Ibiza from art" aimed at adults and young people over 12 years. In these we have a tour through the history of Ibiza between 30 and 70 through the collection. These visits will be every Saturday of August at 11 am in Spanish and Friday at 11 am in English.

EstudiantsAlicia Herráez, Master in Advanced Museum and Heritage Studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and María de la Peña Coll, Master in Digital Art Curatorship at the Universitat Ramon LLull, Barcelona, are developing their internship at MACE.

Sara NechamkinThe border between the fine and applied arts is not always clear, and Britain in the middle years of the twentieth century provides a perfect example of what can often be a rewarding cross-fertilization. Sarah Nechamkin is a rare survivor of an entire generation of talented British artist-illustrators/designers who moved with ease between painting, illustration, graphic art, design and advertising, fusing craftsmanship and artistry in their differing techniques and media.

The leading figures– Sutherland, Ravilious, Bawden, Piper, Enid Marx – are often referred to as ‘neo-Romantics’ or ‘Romantic Moderns’, and if Nechamkin was fourteen years their junior, she can still be regarded as an emblematic if ‘younger’ member of this distinguished artistic movement. To complement her Ibizan landscapes and birds, the Museu Puget is pleased to show a small sample of her graphic oeuvre in publications that range across an astonishing seven decades.

From the 1937 catalogue covers for a leading London publisher, Chatto & Windus, to her recent book about Ibiza’s birds, what emerges is her ability to balance representation and suggestion, evoking scenes while giving free rein to the imagination of the reader and viewer. Three 1940s children’s tales illustrated in monochrome have indisputable charm, but her greatest graphic achievement must certainly be the colour illustrations for Blackie & Son which were published between 1965 and 1977.

Russian fairy tales, English nursery rhymes, and Ancient Greek legends are each depicted with enormous feeling and creativity; the last gave full scope for the beloved Mediterranean the artist knew so intimately, and if Ibizan elements can be detected in certain scenes, it is never to the detriment of the story, but infuses an authenticity often lacking in north European illustration. Taken as a whole, Sarah Nechamkin’s published work links together many of the greatest names in the Western canon, from Ovid and Homer to Brontë and Byron, from Hudson and Austen to Wagner and Beethoven. A lifetime achievement worthy of celebration by itself.

Martin Davies, Eivissa, November 2013

Ajuntament d'EivissaAjuntament de la Ciutat d'Eivissa
Tel. 971 397 600